Check a Device Here

This service is limited to 5 free queries per day by U.S. consumers only.


This Service is limited solely to consumers in the United States

Why You Should Use CTIA's Stolen Phone Checker?

Before you buy or sell a second-hand mobile device, you should check to see if the device has been reported lost or stolen. This is because if someone inadvertently buys a reported lost or stolen device the rightful owner may have already requested the device be blocked from accessing wireless carrier networks. The rightful owner may have also activated a device protection feature that prevents use of the device, rendering the device inoperable.

What is an IMEI/MEID/ESN? It is your device serial number. To find it...

1. Dial *#06# on your mobile
device settings
2. Check device settings
3. Look behind the battery
4. Examine Device Packaging

How to Protect Your Device and Help Stop Device Theft?

Consumers play an important role in device safety and security.

  • To protect your device, use PINs, passwords and other features that can help protect mobile devices and personal information. There are also a number of apps that can locate, lock and/or erase your wireless device if it gets lost or stolen.
  • If your device is lost or stolen, your personal information is at risk. Contact your wireless carrier and local law enforcement and follow these steps.

Usage Tracker

Devices checked using the Stolen Phone Checker



By entering an IMEI MEID, or ESN number and making use of this service, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions.

This service is limited to five free queries per day by U.S. consumers only.

For additional queries, please consider a Commercial account.